Ahhh. A cold glass of sweet vermouth with a half of a lemon slice and foie gras with black salt and pickled mushrooms. Few things describe Barcelona in a more powerful way than standing at Quimet & Quimet’s bar and ordering what the tapas maestro’s have available for the day. For more than 100 years, the kings and queens of canned tapas have made their mark on the gastronomic skyline of Barcelona. In 1914 Quim’s great grandfather opened the bar as an outlet for his homemade, bottled wine. Later came the Iconic canned Spanish tapas. The bar has evolved through its loyal following and the purveyors who have decorated such a beautiful backdrop to complement the spirits and wine.

We arrived on a brisk Autumn night – early as to avoid any queuing and the bar was already half full at 6:30pm – Very early for Spanish standards. The lightning fast tandem of three bartenders swooped in and out of the refrigerators and taps to complete orders. Charm and finesse are the most complementary accompaniments to such delicious bar food. If you’ve not had the pleasure already, get yourself down to El Poble Sec and don’t forget to order the razor clams. Check out our recommended Mont Bar post for a more nouvelle take on Spanish Tapas.

Quimet i Quimet